Life of Annelie
Just a glimpse
After extensive studies in all areas related to the inter-connectivity between the human body and mind, I met my first mentors in 2007 in London after leaving South Africa in 2006. First I met Dr John F Demartini, an expert in all things related to how our intellectual mind understands life and how that affects our behaviour, emotions and health. His theories also stretched into this "expression" of mind and its impact of various aspects of life including relationships, business, finance etc. For the next 3 years I became a student of Dr John F Demartini and delved deep into the theory and practices to fully grasp his findings regarding cosmic principles through quantum physics and how this translates from theory into practice.
I was working at the BBC as a Gym Manager at this stage when I met Aniko Nagy who, later in 2007, through the internal movement art of yoga, transformed the way I experienced and perceived movement. For the first time during one of her classes, I felt something deeper than movement on the physical level... what I experienced on a metaphysical level, brought a profound shift in my understanding of life. Aniko's teachings created an awareness of the energy flow connected to the breath, which became the catalyst for true healing on all levels of the body and mind. Movement was not just physical exercise anymore, conscious movement and breath awareness became the foundation of my personal practice and life.
Dedicated to this path of conscious awareness, I started working with the extremely gifted Master Yogi and Healer, Aniko, several times a week. I consequently had my first experience of “consciousness” through energetic alignment in 2011 in London during a yoga class and continued studying with her through various methodologies until 2018.
In 2009 Aniko introduced me to the Orassy Kendron in London. Through a very profound experience and strong calling, I was drawn to meet Konstantin Pavlidis, Scientist, Healer, Movement Master and Director of Orassy Kendron Ltd. During our first meeting in 2009, Konstantin invited me to join the Orassy and I devoted a year of voluntary service to be able to observe and learn the functioning of this extraordinary center of research, education and healing. During this time I started various meditation practices and attended many yoga, healing and informational seminars and workshops hosted by the Orassy.
Later that year in October 2010, my awareness of the quantum reality we live in, created a tipping point which completely changed my experience of life, after which I started on a long journey of introspection, transformation and integration under the observation and guidance of Konstantin, who transmitted and initiated me into various practices from his vast life experience and background of a variety of different lineages.
In 2011, I started working with the Orassy Kendron LTD with advanced technologies, for the non-invasive assessment and treatment of mental, emotional, physical, environmental as well as spiritually related imbalance and diseases. I became head of the Research Department and conducted an intensive 4 year research project exploring the essence of the creation and healing of disorders and disease with the support of an interdisciplinary team.
During the period of 3 years from 2011 - 2014 I offered extensive personal assistance to Konstantin, learning an immense amount from him while travelling to many countries to introduce and promote the Quantum Integrative Medicine model we developed at the Orassy. We offered many seminars to inform leaders in the political, health and scientific arenas of the great potential this model holds to transform the approach to health and well-being across the world. Shifting the focus from an illness based treatment system to one that focuses on optimal living, prevention and a complimentary, integrated health care system.
I became the Head of Diagnostics at Orassy, overseeing the inter-disciplinary team and clinic, acting as the first port of call for new clients. I also headed part of the Orassy Academy, assisting in events, offering seminars and workshops to therapists, doctors and scientists.
In 2013 I was initiated by Lama Geva Jampa Gyatso Rinpoche and made a commitment to end suffering. Lama Jampa became a distant, yet strong catalyst and support in my journey over the next years of my life. I participated in many of his initiations, transmissions, pujas, workshops and teachings in the fields of Tibetan Trulkor Yoga, Chi Kung, Tibetan Reiki, Tummo and various other tantric practices and meditations.
With the distant support of Konstantin, I went on my first retreat during 2015 in Turkey. During this journey the dissolution of my Identity became apparent as I re-connected with earth-consciousness, and early 2016 also with cosmic-consciousness, guiding me to a deeper understanding of inner stillness and peace.
Over the next 2 years I continued connecting with the Orassy, teachers and clients through work activities while some more personal relationships came to an end. I spent most of my time in deep reflection, isolation and retreat, integrating and resolving the profound shifts in consciousness I have experienced and undergone over the last 8 years while still evolving further in my understanding of relationships, life and existence itself.
After a 12 year cycle of living in London, a series of life events guided me to leave London in the beginning of 2018. I went back to my parents and home country in South Africa to reconnect to the land, family lineage and to re-inform my past of my new found realisations, healing my way of relating to aspects of my old reality. I was aware that I have started a different journey, one without the guidance of 1 or 2 teachers, now guided by everything and everybody. I realised the immense amount of wisdom and mastery I was surrounded with in everyday life and allowed the guidance of the outside world, through people, nature, life patterns and consciousness to guide my journey, doing various work with many people that came across my path.
At the end of 2018 I went to India for the further exploration of the yogic path, Ayurveda and Vedanta. I was Inspired by the humility of 3 monks who have found joy and mastery of the tantric and yogic paths, one of which became the catalyst for my return to India in 2020. During this time I also completed my advanced Yoga Teacher Training while getting the opportunity to pass on some teachings to fellow students and Masters.
During my 5 month visit to China in 2019 I studied intensively under 2 great Kung Fu Masters who challenged my peaceful yogic life to incorporate a deeper awareness of the principles of resistance, protection and balance. Through the practices of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chi Kung, I fully realised my resolve in life and that I am in peace with myself and all beings. Life guided me to experience and understand the intricacies of martial arts and Kung Fu to integrate the yin-yang balance and Taoist or Zen principle.
During the time of lockdown for the Covid19 virus I stayed at an ashram in the holy city of Rishikesh, India, during which time I found the inspiration to bring some of my work online and started teaching Yoga, Internal Kung Fu, Meditation and the Tantric Self Healing practices from my Vajrayana lineage for the benefit of those who are isolated in their homes. During my stay I was chosen to act as the leader and mediator for the community from many cultural backgrounds across the globe. After India, life kept guiding me to various countries for further work with various groups and individuals.
Due to a new undestanding of life unfolding over previous 5 years, life pulled me back towards the lineage of Vajrayana and I reconnected with Lama Geva Jampa towards the end of 2020, receiving further transmissions in order to continue my work with him. Spending half my time in retreat as well as hosting various types of retreats and journeys from 2022 onwards, I stayed in Sogen-ji Zen monastery in Japan for 2 months in 2023, sharing consciousness and healing with international teacher, author and Rinzai Zen Priest, Harada Roshi and resident monks of the monestary.
I acted as a catalyst for the healing of many people on my path and served humankind in many ways to promote consciousness and peace through teaching, healings, transmissions and even just assistance in daily tasks, like cleaning, cooking, organising etc. Through this extensive process, I was also able to heal from the entanglement of health conditions accumulated in this life as well as making peace with the relationships I have had to separate from during this lifetime. I found an immense amount of gratitude for each and every person that crossed my path, especially those hosting me in their homes and offering food and comfort. I have learned the value of every person, animal, space and moment in time and wish to be able to share this wisdom for the benefit of all.
"It is love that brings the courage to transform all obstacles, anger and fear"
Annelie Nel

I think that what you have to offer is quite unusual and I can see how, if someone committed to this, it could really have quite an impact. A lot of our problems are based on perspective… And I think what you help us to do is change our perspective and rise above, seeing it through new eyes with a new kind of understanding. It’s hard to explain, but after these sessions and with a little bit of time for me to make my own life changes and improvement, I was able to look at things almost with new eyes. Understanding a WHOLE situation and that people are just human. Learning forgiveness and what we are all capable of… Seeing things in yourself really helps you to understand other peoples actions and vice versa.
I now understand that there are always two sides to every coin. Understanding that things may seem huge to us right here right now, but in hindsight and with perspective, we are all exactly where we need to be. I feel more strongly than ever that physical health and mental health go hand in hand.