Life Inspired Light
Man know thyself; then thau shalt know the Universe and God
Vision and Perspective
With an absolute passion for the multi-dimensional inter-connectivity of our existence, I started my journey through the conventional education system acquiring a Masters degree as well as many certifications in various fields relating to the body, mind and how everything is related. I followed this with a more intensive personal and existential exploration of universal principles with the guidance of Spiritual Masters and Scientific research and came to the following conclusions...
No level of acquirement or success in business, wealth creation or relationships can bring us peace. This is a journey we need to complete within ourselves. It involves an in-depth investigation into every aspect of our lives and how it all stems from the same essence. Through the recognition of all aspects of ourselves, we achieve higher states of self awareness. It is this consciousness that allows us the realisation that there is nothing to improve on or achieve in life, but rather just the recognition of what is always present.
The extension of this consciousness into every word, action and moment is what brings peace and bliss - the true nature of creativity and eternal abundance.
Since working with Annelie, my life is naturally aligning and manifesting far beyond what I’d imagined possible. Disabling addictions and huge inner resistances to healthy habits, have completely left my experience.
My body and psyche has opened to experiences I didn’t know were scientifically possible … where at times I reside in an existence of pure space unaffected by the worldly chaos around me, and other times I’m able to profoundly experience other peoples inner experience through my body bringing about deep connection and compassion.
With Annelie’s depth of intricate scientific understanding of the body, high spiritual wisdom, expansive comprehension of the human psyche and an incredible ability to guide physical practices (qigong, yoga, breath work) in a way where the body can become healthily held and aligned - i feel safely held in every dimension through this self-realisation work.
Annelie is the most non-judgmental, compassionate, conscientious and peaceful individual I’ve met … just being in her space inspires and expands me into a higher version of me.
I’m forever grateful.
Kimberley Strethill-Wright, 35, Surrey UK
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Everything under the sun
Coaching/Counselling/Mentoring/Guidance, Workshop series, Deep Transformation, slow, Yoga, beginner, Beginner, all levels, Practice, Flow, Spiritual, workshops, Workshop, Healing, qigong, active, yoga, Meditation, Chi Kung, Intermediary, advanced
interpretation, inner flame, zen, focus, integration, stability, well-being, solutions, visualisation, meditation, recognise the light, alignment, Spiralling, slow, burning, guidance, Dantian, coaching, spirals, transformation, harmony, breathing, Ohm, compassion, practice, inversion, energy channels, balancing, finding peace, mind training, yin yoga, lower back, harmonising, quantum self, subconscious mind, oppositional forces, kung fu, sleep, chi kung, homeopathy, inner kung fu, deep meditation, taoist, beginner, service to others, energy, mantra, cutting, christ consciousness, Harmony, pain, emptiness, depression, Knowing, pressure points, mental health, dimensions, be of service, clearing out, self awareness, trauma, qigong, sculpting, core, vital energy, power, opening, understanding, mudras, mentoring, healing, relaxation, organ support, training, balance, surrender, stretching, gratitude, energy flow, H'oponopono, massage, integration time, yin, Yoga, natural solutions, kundalini, communication, commitment, Self awareness, offerings, flexibility, Qigong, calming, Core, Breathing, acceptance, letting go, altered states of consciousness, psoas, breath, intention, spiritual path, workshop, mindset, pineal gland, inner balance, life, duality, counselling, fifth dimension, burning clean, om, Extension, Dantien, lucid dreaming, Balance, self massage, sound, essential oils, exploration, pineal detoxification, awakened, Inner core, ohm, one-mind, Prostrations, shoulders, deep, awakening, Anxiety, yoga nidra, inner fire, candle, spiral energy, concentration, trauma release, strength, yoga, meridians, Offering, peace, accupressure, buddhism, yang, Healing, grounding, forgiveness, intermediary, Dreams, sacred geometry, 5th dimension, Stretching, Earth connection, core strength, spiritual health, dream analysis, abdomen, mind expansion, be the light, solfeggio frequencies, Preparation, stress, refreshing, light, stay present, flow, candle meditation, de-stress, diagonals, spiritual healing, Chi Kung, resolution, hips
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2 hour deep open, release, re-align - Japan, Apr 2023
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A journey through sound and energy healing allowing the body to relax and release residual energy before going into movement, opening all the main energy channels, re-aligning the spine and ending in a meditation to bring everything back to stillness. This journey will allow all anxiety to settle, depression to lift and generally leave you feeling more well connected and present.Anxiety, Balance, Breathing, Chi Kung, Dantien, Earth connection, Extension, Harmony, Healing, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, accupressure, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, communication, compassion, concentration, core, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, diagonals, dimensions, duality, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, exploration, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, hips, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, lower back, massage, meditation, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, power, practice, pressure points, psoas, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sacred geometry, sculpting, self awareness, self massage, slow, solutions, sound, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual healing, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, stress, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, yin yoga, yoga, zen
Breathing Level 2: 6 - Micro-Macro orbit healing
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Connecting with the three yin chakras in the body to create a clear channel of communication internally as well as outside. Powerful activation of the parasympathetic nervous system to release stress and calm the body and mind.breathing, healing, spiritual healing, Earth connection, Harmony, Self awareness, emptiness, practice, trauma release
Breathing Level 2: 6 - Micro-Macro orbit healing
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Connecting with the three yin chakras in the body to create a clear channel of communication internally as well as outside. Powerful activation of the parasympathetic nervous system to release stress and calm the body and mind.Breathing, Healing, spiritual healing, Earth connection, Harmony, Self awareness, emptiness, practice, trauma release
Ngal-so Tibetan Tantric Self Healing full practice to join along - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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A full self healing practice version with some explanations which is perfect to follow along for your own practice. The Self healing practice is like a type of psychic surgery that helps to clear out, re-balance, structure and strengthen your inner knowing of self as an essential being, beyond concepts, ideas or beliefs from an identity/ego perspective. This very sacred and powerful practice has been passed on through the Tibetan Buddha Dharma lineage for more than 1000 years and links us to the biggest mandala in the world in Java, Indonesia. If you would like to join out journey to Indonesia, please feel free to get in touch.Deep Transformation, Practice, Spiritual, all levels
Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Offering, Ohm, Self awareness, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, concentration, core, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, dimensions, emptiness, energy, exploration, finding peace, focus, forgiveness, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, intermediary, letting go, life, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mudras, natural solutions, ohm, om, opening, pain, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, power, practice, quantum self, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sacred geometry, self awareness, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, well-being
Tibetan Tantric Self Healing Practice: Easy follow along - India, May 2020
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An easy to follow along version of the Tibetan Tantric self healing practice. This video was recorded in India, so there are some background noise which is inevitable. The self healing practice can bring about a profound understanding of healing, self and how we interact with life. A vital and deep practice for all to benefit from.Meditation, Spiritual, Practice
Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Knowing, Self awareness, altered states of consciousness, alignment, awakening, balancing, be of service, be the light, breathing, breath, buddhism, calming, clearing out, compassion, concentration, de-stress, depression, emptiness, exploration, finding peace, focus, guidance, healing, inner balance, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mudras, natural solutions, opening, peace, pineal detoxification, practice, relaxation, resolution, sacred geometry, self awareness, service to others, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being
White tara Mantra recitation meditation - London, Nov 2021
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The white tara mantra is extremely powerful in healing our body, speech and mind. Tara is a deity who comes in many forms to heal, protect us from fear and support our understanding of ourselves and how we relate to life. White tara is known as a long life deity, so we offer the white tara practice to others as well as ourselves so we can have a long life in order to become more conscious, to heal and to be able to support others in the process.Spiritual, Practice, Meditation
Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Offering, Self awareness, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, be the light, buddhism, calming, compassion, depression, emptiness, energy, finding peace, focus, forgiveness, gratitude, harmony, healing, inner balance, letting go, light, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, natural solutions, peace, practice, recognise the light, relaxation, self awareness, service to others, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being
Tantric Self-healing: An in-depth reading - Exeter UK, Nov 2021
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A full version of the Tibetan Tantric self healing practice done for deeper understanding, fuller perspective and a more complete version of the practice. All aspects of this practice are only performed once, so not necessarily the best version to follow if you just want to go through the practice. Much more explanations given in this version for those who want to go deeper in your logical and mental understanding of practice. Most of the parts of this practice are not repeated as you normally would when you actually do the full practice.Practice, Spiritual, Intermediary
Balance, Knowing, Preparation, Self awareness, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, buddhism, clearing out, compassion, concentration, deep, finding peace, focus, grounding, harmonising, guidance, healing, inner balance, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mudras, natural solutions, opening, practice, relaxation, resolution, sacred geometry, self awareness, service to others, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, transformation, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, well-being
20 min meditation 2-3
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A series of short 20-25 min meditations working with a variation of sound, breathing, mantras, mudras, visualisation, healing, subtle movements, tantric healing, energy development, clearing and healing, invocations and other psychic and spiritual practices.all levels, Meditation
20 min meditation 2-2
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A series of short 20-25 min meditations working with a variation of sound, breathing, mantras, mudras, visualisation, healing, subtle movements, tantric healing, energy development, clearing and healing, invocations and other psychic and spiritual practices.all levels, Meditation
20 min meditation 2-1
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A series of short 20-25 min meditations working with a variation of sound, breathing, mantras, mudras, visualisation, healing, subtle movements, tantric healing, energy development, clearing and healing, invocations and other psychic and spiritual practices.Meditation, all levels
20 min meditation 1-3
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A series of short 20-25 min meditations working with a variation of sound, breathing, mantras, mudras, visualisation, healing, subtle movements, tantric healing, energy development, clearing and healing, invocations and other psychic and spiritual practices.Meditation, all levels
20 min meditation 1-2
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A series of short 20-25 min meditations working with a variation of sound, breathing, mantras, mudras, visualisation, healing, subtle movements, tantric healing, energy development, clearing and healing, invocations and other psychic and spiritual practices.all levels, Meditation
20 min meditation 1-1
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A series of short 20-25 min meditations working with a variation of sound, breathing, mantras, mudras, visualisation, healing, subtle movements, tantric healing, energy development, clearing and healing, invocations and other psychic and spiritual practices.Meditation, all levels
Breathing Level 2: 5 - Eliminating interferences, earth connection and psoas release
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One of the biggest issues we face in life, causing distress, low energy and illness, is when we cannot feel the connection with the earth. The Earth is one of our biggest sources of energy and support, so can be very nurturing if we know how to connect. The psoas on the other hand is the muscle in the body that is directly related to emotion, storing all our stress and emotional trauma and prevents the body and organs from functioning to its full capacity. During this session we focus on both of these in order to help re-balance and create more space for the breath to heal.Workshop series, all levels
Earth connection, psoas
Breathing Level 2: 5 - Eliminating interferences, Earth connection and Psoas release
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One of the biggest issues we face in life, causing distress, low energy and illness, is when we cannot feel the connection with the earth. The Earth is one of our biggest sources of energy and support, so can be very nurturing if we know how to connect. The psoas on the other hand is the muscle in the body that is directly related to emotion, storing all our stress and emotional trauma and prevents the body and organs from functioning to its full capacity. During this session we focus on both of these in order to help re-balance and create more space for the breath to heal.Workshop series, all levels
psoas, Earth connection, grounding
Breathing Level 2: 4 - Eliminating interferences, sound work
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So many of us are unable to express ourselves clearly. There is a deep subconscious fear about really letting go with our voices in case somebody may hear our full expression... Sound is a great way to release tension in the body. It not only heals on a subtle level through the vibration, but reflects parts of our psyche and emotions once we learn how to interpret the dynamics surrounding the expression of sound. Advisable to practice this class during the day or when you do not have any neighbours to disturb.Workshop series, all levels
Breathing Level 2: 4 - Eliminating interferences, sound work
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So many of us are unable to express ourselves clearly. There is a deep subconscious fear about really letting go with our voices in case somebody may hear our full expression... Sound is a great way to release tension in the body. It not only heals on a subtle level through the vibration, but reflects parts of our psyche and emotions once we learn how to interpret the dynamics surrounding the expression of sound. Advisable to practice this class during the day or when you do not have any neighbours to disturb.Workshop series, all levels
Breathing Level 2: 3 - Eliminating interferences, remove blockages
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Sometimes we need to use a bit of pressure in order to remove the blockages that prevents us from breathing fully. If we now where to press and how to engage the breath, this process can help create more internal space in order to let the breath in fully. It is advised not to eat at least 1.5 hours before doing this practice, as some of the pressure in the abdominal area could cause injury or pain.Workshop series, all levels
pressure points
Breathing Level 2: 3 - Eliminating interferences, remove blockages
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Sometimes we need to use a bit of pressure in order to remove the blockages that prevents us from breathing fully. If we now where to press and how to engage the breath, this process can help create more internal space in order to let the breath in fully. It is advised not to eat at least 1.5 hours before doing this practice, as some of the pressure in the abdominal area could cause injury or pain.Workshop series, all levels
pressure points
Breathing Level 2: 2 - Eliminating interferences, forgiveness
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Forgiveness is one of the base foundation principles in most religions, lineages and even in just base human morality. It is the most powerful way to shift energy, to heal and to find a way forward in life without resistance and conflict. h'oponopono is a Hawaiian practice that is based on a 4 phrase short mantra to help lessen our pride in order to gain more humility and understanding in life, which is usually followed by gratitude. Highly advisable to learn and practice this.Workshop series, all levels
forgiveness, compassion, H'oponopono
Breathing Level 2: 2 - Eliminating interferences, forgiveness
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Forgiveness is one of the base foundation principles in most religions, lineages and even in just base human morality. It is the most powerful way to shift energy, to heal and to find a way forward in life without resistance and conflict. h'oponopono is a Hawaiian practice that is based on a 4 phrase short mantra to help lessen our pride in order to gain more humility and understanding in life, which is usually followed by gratitude. Highly advisable to learn and practice this.Workshop series, all levels
forgiveness, compassion, H'oponopono
Breathing Level 2: 1 - Eliminating interferences, pressure points
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Level 2: Eliminating Interferences, activating, catalysing and actively working with the breath. During this class we explore various pressure points in the body that can help us to clear the pathways for the breath and energy to flow through the body. It is advisable not to eat at least 1.5 hours before this class as some of the pressure points may cause nausea and pain in the abdomen if there is food present. As part of the second level of breath work, we investigated all the meridians in the body, getting an overall understanding of the channels in the body in order to learn how the breath affects the energy and how to become aware of the blockages in the body that could start manifesting stiffness, pain or imbalances in the organ systems. For your own benefit, it will be good to do at least a little bit of research into each of the 14 meridians and get an overall understanding while doing this course.Workshop series, all levels
pressure points
Breathing Level 2: 1 - Eliminating Interferences, Pressure points
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Level 2: Eliminating Interferences, activating, catalysing and actively working with the breath. During this class we explore various pressure points in the body that can help us to clear the pathways for the breath and energy to flow through the body. It is advisable not to eat at least 1.5 hours before this class as some of the pressure points may cause nausea and pain in the abdomen if there is food present. As part of the second level of breath work, we investigated all the meridians in the body, getting an overall understanding of the channels in the body in order to learn how the breath affects the energy and how to become aware of the blockages in the body that could start manifesting stiffness, pain or imbalances in the organ systems. For your own benefit, it will be good to do at least a little bit of research into each of the 14 meridians and get an overall understanding while doing this course.Workshop series, all levels
pressure points
Breathing Level 1: 6 - Light Purification
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Understanding the process of transformation almost always includes light. Our consciousness is transformed by light and it has the ability to shift our brain functioning through pineal detoxification. You will need to have a candle to hand with this meditation.Workshop series
breath, breathing, be the light
Breathing Level 1: 6 - Light Purification
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Understanding the process of transformation almost always includes light. Our consciousness is transformed by light and it has the ability to shift our brain functioning through pineal detoxification. You will need to have a candle to hand with this meditation.Workshop series
breath, breathing, be the light
Breathing Level 1: 5 - Maximum Expansion and Contraction
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Allowing the body to find its maximum expansive ability in order for the body to create internal space, allowing more breath to enter with less restrictions. Once we have reached our full potential, it is time to explore your maximum contraction ability to let go of all debris, stagnation and toxicity.Workshop series
breath, breathing, yin, yang
Breathing Level 1: 5 - Maximum Expansion and contraction
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Allowing the body to find its maximum expansive ability in order for the body to create internal space, allowing more breath to enter with less restrictions. Once we have reached our full potential, it is time to explore your maximum contraction ability to let go of all debris, stagnation and toxicity.Workshop series
breath, breathing, yin, yang
Breathing Level 1: 4 - Sacred Geometry Crystal body
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Creating a conscious awareness of the sacred geometry structures and relationships between aspects of self and cosmos, allowing us to develop the indestructible diamond nature.Workshop series
breathing, breath, sacred geometry, 5th dimension, christ consciousness
Breathing Level 1: 4 - Sacred Geometry Crystal Body
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Creating a conscious awareness of the sacred geometry structures and relationships between aspects of self and cosmos, allowing us to develop the indestructible diamond nature.Workshop series
5th dimension, sacred geometry, breath, breathing, christ consciousness
Breathing Level 1: 3 - Rebalancing left and right channels
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Alternate Nostril Breathing or Nadi Shodhana is an ancient Pranayama technique practiced to rebalance the right and left channels as well as brain coherence.Workshop series
breath, breathing, Balance, Harmony
Breathing Level 1: 3 - Rebalancing left and right channels
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Alternate Nostril Breathing or Nadi Shodhana is an ancient Pranayama technique practiced to rebalance the right and left channels as well as brain coherence.Workshop series
breath, breathing, Balance
Breathing Level 1: 2 - Connecting to your organs
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In order to get the most benefit from this workshop series, research the following words to get a general understanding of the meaning of these words in order to act as a reference point for how you connect with these concepts. See what each word brings up for you in your thoughts or emotions and see how you relate to each word, if you have any experiences related to the word or if they have any significance for you at this moment in time. Each word should not take more than 15 minutes in total. It is not needed to go into deep research, but rather just find 2-4 google pages and scan through to get a feeling of what others say. There is no right or wrong answer or way to see this... the aim is to see how you relate to the word. - Esoteric - Metaphysical - Consciousness - Spirit / Spiritual - Soul - Mindfulness You can do 1-2 words a day, or 1 a week. Wright them down so you can work with them over time.Workshop series
breath, breathing, organ support
Breathing Level 1: 2 - Connecting to your organs
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In order to get the most benefit from this workshop series, research the following words to get a general understanding of the meaning of these words in order to act as a reference point for how you connect with these concepts. See what each word brings up for you in your thoughts or emotions and see how you relate to each word, if you have any experiences related to the word or if they have any significance for you at this moment in time. Each word should not take more than 15 minutes in total. It is not needed to go into deep research, but rather just find 2-4 google pages and scan through to get a feeling of what others say. There is no right or wrong answer or way to see this... the aim is to see how you relate to the word. - Esoteric - Metaphysical - Consciousness - Spirit / Spiritual - Soul - Mindfulness You can do 1-2 words a day, or 1 a week. Wright them down so you can work with them over time.Workshop series
breath, breathing, organ support
Breathing Course Level 1: 1 - Becoming one with the breath
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Level 1: Becoming one with the consciousness of the breath. 6 interactive classes to re-connect you to the basics of conscious breathing, learning how to guide the breath for healing, how to activate and relax the right parts of the body, while focusing and expanding the body and mind to find peace; bringing you back the natural flow of life. Breathing practices are found in most ancient wisdom traditions for the purpose of clearing, focusing, guiding and expanding the mind. It can also assist in the process of getting to know oneself, releasing trauma, accessing memories, relieving pain, healing from chronic conditions and deep relaxation. During these 6 classes you will be guided through various breathing and relaxation practices in order to get to know your body, mind, senses and "self" from a different perspective. At level one, we focus on the conscious activation and engagement of the breath, which parts of the body to activate or relax, increasing our ability to expand and contract with the breath, learning the art of observation with the mind and also receiving the transmission in order to, with practice, become one with the breath. Please do these classes in sequence from 1-6 and do Level 1 before starting with Level 2. Best result will be given when you practice these classes instead of just doing them once.Deep Transformation, Healing, Meditation, Practice, Spiritual, Workshop series, all levels
Anxiety, H'oponopono, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Ohm, Preparation, Self awareness, Spiralling, Yoga, acceptance, accupressure, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balance, balancing, be of service, be the light, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning, burning clean, calming, candle, candle meditation, christ consciousness, clearing out, coaching, commitment, communication, compassion, concentration, core, core strength, counselling, cutting, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, dimensions, duality, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, essential oils, exploration, fifth dimension, finding peace, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner fire, inner flame, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intention, intermediary, inversion, kundalini, letting go, life, light, mantra, massage, meditation, mental health, mentoring, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, mudras, natural solutions, om, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, pain, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, power, practice, pressure points, psoas, quantum self, recognise the light, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sacred geometry, self awareness, self massage, service to others, sleep, solutions, sound, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stress, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yang, yin
Breathing Course Level 1: 1 - Becoming one with the breath
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Level 1: Becoming one with the consciousness of the breath. 6 interactive classes to re-connect you to the basics of conscious breathing, learning how to guide the breath for healing, how to activate and relax the right parts of the body, while focusing and expanding the body and mind to find peace; bringing you back the natural flow of life. Breathing practices are found in most ancient wisdom traditions for the purpose of clearing, focusing, guiding and expanding the mind. It can also assist in the process of getting to know oneself, releasing trauma, accessing memories, relieving pain, healing from chronic conditions and deep relaxation. During these 6 classes you will be guided through various breathing and relaxation practices in order to get to know your body, mind, senses and "self" from a different perspective. At level one, we focus on the conscious activation and engagement of the breath, which parts of the body to activate or relax, increasing our ability to expand and contract with the breath, learning the art of observation with the mind and also receiving the transmission in order to, with practice, become one with the breath. Please do these classes in sequence from 1-6 and do Level 1 before starting with Level 2. Best result will be given when you practice these classes instead of just doing them once.Healing, Deep Transformation, Meditation, Workshop series, all levels, Practice, Spiritual
Anxiety, Balance, Dreams, Dantien, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Ohm, Preparation, Self awareness, Spiralling, Yoga, abdomen, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, be of service, be the light, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning, burning clean, calming, candle, candle meditation, christ consciousness, clearing out, coaching, commitment, compassion, concentration, cutting, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, dimensions, duality, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, essential oils, exploration, finding peace, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner fire, inner flame, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intention, intermediary, letting go, life, light, lucid dreaming, mantra, massage, mental health, meditation, mentoring, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, mudras, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, pain, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, power, practice, pressure points, psoas, quantum self, recognise the light, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sacred geometry, self awareness, self massage, service to others, sleep, solutions, sound, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stress, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yang, yin, zen, H'oponopono
Tong leng practice - India, Mar 2020
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An opportunity to learn more about compassion, what it is, why we would benefit from practicing compassion and how it can help ourselves and others to heal. This practice is an ancient buddhist practice that has the power to bring transformation and healing to any problem you face in life, internally or outside.Deep Transformation, Healing, Spiritual
Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Knowing, Offering, Ohm, Self awareness, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakening, be of service, be the light, breathing, buddhism, burning clean, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, cutting, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, emptiness, finding peace, focus, gratitude, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner flame, letting go, life, light, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, peace, practice, recognise the light, resolution, spiritual health, spiritual path, surrender, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, well-being, yin
Chi kung with spiral energy flow - Stalbridge UK, Feb 2022
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Working with the spiral dynamics in chi kung is the ultimate form of healing for the energy body, as it helps to remind the water, fire and wind elements to flow according to its natural essence. This flowing movement sequence will help to reset the stagnated energy and blockages you may have accumulated during times of stress, tension, inactivity or illness. This session will leave you feeling more refreshed and balanced with more energy to use for your daily activity.Chi Kung, Flow, all levels
Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, beginner, breathing, calming, de-stress, depression, diagonals, dimensions, energy channels, energy flow, exploration, finding peace, flow, focus, gratitude, harmonising, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, oppositional forces, pain, practice, qigong, relaxation, sacred geometry, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stay present, stress, surrender, training, transformation, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, yang, yin, zen
Deep opening and strengthening chi kung - Stalbridge UK, Feb 2022
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This chi kung session is aimed at re-balancing the aspects of your mind and body that is related to flexibility and strength while also getting all the benefits of a standing and moving chi kung practice. Harmonising left and right brain functions, connecting yin-yang energies and helping to flow between masculine and feminine energies, if you are going through some difficult times, in need of grounding, strength, courage and understanding, this session will be able to provide you with some much needed clarity and energy to get through whatever you are facing. Highly recommended classChi Kung, qigong, Intermediary
Chi Kung, Dantien, Dantian, Extension, Inner core, Qigong, Self awareness, Stretching, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, breathing, burning clean, calming, compassion, concentration, core strength, deep, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, exploration, flexibility, focus, grounding, harmonising, hips, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, lower back, mental health, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, organ support, power, practice, quantum self, resolution, relaxation, sculpting, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stress, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, zen
Moon salutations flow - Cape Town, May 2021
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Most people have heard of sun salutations, but did you know there is also a version called Moon salutations? This is a slightly adapted version to not overdo some of the movements required in this sequence, but you will definitely get all the benefits that normal sun or moon salutations have to offer. You may not be used to me teaching sequences in flow, so this is a unique opportunity to practice a set flow where the mind can surrender into the breath and movement in continuous flow.Flow, Practice, all levels
Anxiety, Balance, Inner core, Harmony, Yoga, alignment, awakening, balancing, breathing, calming, de-stress, energy flow, flow, harmonising, hips, mental health, mind training, natural solutions, opening, peace, practice, psoas, refreshing, relaxation, sculpting, self awareness, spiritual path, stability, stay present, stress, stretching, training, vital energy, well-being, essential oils
Compassionate full moon meditation - Amsterdam, Jan 2021
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Please have some flowers and a candle to hand for this practice. An opportunity to work with 2 different dynamics in meditation, both with their own masculine and feminine energy dynamics, integrating it all together into compassion. Fire and flowers can both offer us the opportunity to see the beauty in life, act as offerings to lost souls and help us to find peace. Join this meditation, whether it is during a full moon or not, you will not be disappointed.Meditation, all levels, Spiritual
Balance, Dreams, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Offering, Self awareness, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, be the light, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning, burning clean, calming, candle, candle meditation, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, concentration, cutting, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, dimensions, duality, emptiness, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, inner balance, inner fire, inner flame, integration, intention, intermediary, letting go, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, offerings, opening, oppositional forces, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, practice, quantum self, recognise the light, relaxation, self awareness, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, well-being, zen
Deeply strengthening spirals - India, Apr 2020
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A yoga class that will make you feel expanded, stretched, lengthened and more flexible guaranteed. Using spiral movements to get into deeper positions while strengthening the internal organs, core and yin of the body... a wonderful class for those who want a deep opening in the hips, psoas, shoulders and get yourself out of a compressed mindset. Highly recommended for those with high stress leading to a need to get rid of some energy. Recorded in India, so quite a lot of background noise and a bit of sound distortions, especially in the beginning, but an even better practice to become focused and stay present, not allowing distractions to bother you.Intermediary, Yoga, Beginner
Anxiety, Balance, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Inner core, Knowing, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, abdomen, alignment, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, clearing out, commitment, concentration, core, core strength, de-stress, deep, depression, diagonals, energy, energy channels, energy flow, flexibility, flow, focus, grounding, hips, inner balance, intermediary, kundalini, letting go, life, lower back, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, power, practice, psoas, resolution, sculpting, shoulders, solutions, sound, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stress, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, yang
Slow first movement of the day - London UK, Nov 2021
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This early morning yoga practice is exactly what is says on the front... the first movement you do in the morning. So, everything happens slowly and progressively, systematic and again, slow. Breathing is of the essence and mindfulness in every aspect of movement helps to cultivate a sense of wholeness, nurturing and support on all levels. For those who wake up with various pains or stiffness, this is a great start to the day.Beginner, Yoga, slow
Anxiety, Balance, Extension, Harmony, Preparation, Stretching, Yoga, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, clearing out, concentration, de-stress, deep, depression, emptiness, energy channels, exploration, finding peace, flexibility, focus, grounding, harmonising, healing, hips, inner balance, integration time, lower back, mental health, mind training, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, pain, peace, practice, relaxation, resolution, shoulders, slow, solutions, sound, spiritual health, stability, stay present, stretching, surrender, transformation, trauma release, well-being, yin, yin yoga, yoga, zen
Prostrations - How to and why? Stalbridge UK, Feb 2022
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Prostrations can change your life in more ways than you think could be possible... just a series of movements, nothing difficult or intense. Looking a bit deeper at the profound nature and meaning to each aspect of the movement, the breath, the flow, connecting to different aspects of self and life and learning how to deeply surrender and open yourself to something beyond you, for support, healing and grace.Practice, Spiritual, all levels
5th dimension, Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Knowing, Offering, Ohm, Preparation, Prostrations, Self awareness, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning clean, burning, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, concentration, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, emptiness, energy flow, exploration, fifth dimension, finding peace, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, intention, letting go, life, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, ohm, om, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, practice, quantum self, relaxation, resolution, service to others, slow, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, surrender, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being
Sacred Geometry and Earth connection - Dartmoor UK, Nov 2021
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A yoga class focused on the visualisation of sacred geometry that helps us find how we relate and connect to planet earth. Working with sound also adds another dimension to this session. This class contains slow movements as well as one inversion, which, if you are not well practiced in going on your head, I would advise you either skip this part or just do the neck strengthening part in the beginning, but not lifting the feet. Deep opening of hips, shoulders and arms as well. Enjoy the journey...Intermediary, yoga, slow
Anxiety, Balance, Dantien, Dantian, Harmony, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, clearing out, compassion, concentration, de-stress, deep, depression, emptiness, energy channels, energy flow, exploration, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, hips, integration, intermediary, inversion, letting go, lower back, mental health, meridians, mind training, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, practice, relaxation, sacred geometry, sculpting, shoulders, slow, sound, spirals, spiral energy, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, transformation, trauma release, visualisation, vital energy, understanding, well-being, yang, yin, yin yoga, yoga, yoga nidra
Medicine buddha recitation by Annelie - Bath UK, Dec 2021
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A medicine buddha recitation session with Annelie. Medicine buddha is one of the most widely accepted practices of the Buddha Dharma, even by philosophical and other schools, due to its profound effects on the mind and healing of the body. Join me for this 1 hour mantra recitation and notice how much your mind calms down, releasing all thoughts, traumas and pain.Deep Transformation, Healing, Meditation, Spiritual, Practice
Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Inner core, Self awareness, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakening, be of service, balancing, breathing, buddhism, burning clean, calming, christ consciousness, commitment, communication, compassion, concentration, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, emptiness, finding peace, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner fire, inner flame, intention, intermediary, letting go, life, light, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, pain, organ support, peace, pineal gland, pineal detoxification, practice, recognise the light, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, service to others, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, subconscious mind, surrender, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, vital energy, well-being
2 hour transformational yoga practice - Stalbridge UK, Feb 2022
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A yoga practice that include all the elements of yoga, not just your standard asana (movement) practice. We go much deeper during this class to help the body find a way to heal, relax and resolve some deep chronic issues of the body and mind. Working with breathing, sound, prostrations and basic movement, you will have a more whole experience of life after this practice. Focusing on kriyas (cleansing) practices before the last section which contains more movement, helps clear the channels so when the movement comes, there are less mental interferences and physical restrictions. 30 min prostration practice, 45 mins kriyas and 45 mins dantien activation and strengthening practice.Deep Transformation, Intermediary, Practice, Yoga
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Prostrations, Qigong, Preparation, Self awareness, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, be of service, breath, beginner, breathing, be the light, buddhism, burning clean, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, communication, compassion, concentration, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, dimensions, duality, emptiness, energy, energy flow, exploration, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner fire, inner kung fu, integration time, intention, intermediary, letting go, lower back, mantra, meditation, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, mudras, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, pain, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, practice, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, service to others, slow, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, yin yoga
Attachment and duality workshop - Stalbridge UK, Feb 2022
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We all have attachments, in this workshop we discuss some vital information that will change you way you see these attachments, whether addictions, illness, people or desires... It is possible to have both healthy and unhealthy attachments. Duality is another aspect that can help us understand our relationships and how we are drawn to certain people in our lives. This workshop is worth listening to and could offer some guidance in how to find resolution and peace in this life.Coaching/Counselling/Mentoring/Guidance, Workshop, Spiritual
5th dimension, Anxiety, Balance, Dreams, Harmony, Knowing, Offering, Self awareness, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, be the light, be of service, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, christ consciousness, communication, compassion, concentration, counselling, de-stress, depression, dimensions, dream analysis, duality, emptiness, exploration, finding peace, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, integration, letting go, life, mental health, mentoring, mind expansion, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, peace, practice, recognise the light, resolution, service to others, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, transformation, trauma release, training, trauma, understanding, well-being, workshop, zen
Medicine Buddha group recitation practice - Stalbridge UK, Feb 2022
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A group mantra recitation session working with The Medicine Buddha mantra, which helps to pacify all body, speech and mind pollutions that cause disease and illness. The most powerful mantra for healing of one's own and others' specific problems or overall state of being. This session contains ritual, prayers and mantras from the Buddha Dharma Texts and will only require your attendance through meditation, relaxation and possible participation if you know the mantra. You do not have to actively take part in any way if you do not want to, you can just listen, observe and receive these very powerful blessings to help clear obstacles in your path and find peace and healing. A powerful practice that can be done on a daily basis that can be done for yourself of for the intention of healing others.Healing, Meditation, Spiritual
Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Offering, Self awareness, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, buddhism, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, concentration, deep meditation, emptiness, finding peace, focus, gratitude, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner fire, intention, integration, letting go, life, light, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, peace, pineal detoxification, pain, pineal gland, practice, quantum self, recognise the light, refreshing, relaxation, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, subconscious mind, transformation, trauma, trauma release, visualisation, vital energy, well-being
The power of the yin - London, Nov 2021
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An early morning class with slow and steady movements to open the body sequentially while working with breaths and locks (bandhas) to work with the dynamics of power in the body. Deep opening of the shoulders, hips and back of legs. Highly recommended class for a bit of variation and understanding power in a different context.Yoga, all levels, slow
Anxiety, Balance, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Knowing, Self awareness, Stretching, Spiralling, Yoga, abdomen, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, burning, burning clean, calming, compassion, concentration, core, core strength, depression, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, exploration, finding peace, flexibility, focus, grounding, harmony, healing, hips, inner balance, inner fire, inner flame, integration, integration time, intermediary, kundalini, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, power, practice, refreshing, relaxation, sculpting, shoulders, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, strength, stress, stretching, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, yin, yin yoga, zen
OM AH HUM mantra recitation meditation - Dartmoor UK, Nov 2021
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One of the most powerful forms of meditation is when we can combine sound, through mantra (repetition of a sound or sentence) while working with mudras (hand or body positions), visualisation and breath for a period of time. During this meditation we perform a fire ceremony to help release negative attachments, followed by a full hour of the seed syllables (beej mantra). This meditation was specifically done so people from any religion, lineage or belief system can join. A very powerful practice.Deep Transformation, Healing, Meditation, Practice, Spiritual
Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Offering, Ohm, Self awareness, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, buddhism, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, concentration, de-stress, deep meditation, depression, emptiness, finding peace, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner flame, inner fire, integration, integration time, intention, letting go, life, light, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, mudras, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, pineal detoxification, peace, pineal gland, power, practice, quantum self, recognise the light, relaxation, resolution, service to others, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, stress, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, well-being
Opening the root and sacral chakra channels - Dartmoor UK, Nov 2021
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We all need to keep opening the channels around the waist, hips and legs to keep our connection with mother earth, allow the energy to flow through our base for grounding and to harness the power of this connection. This is a slow opening of these areas to feel grounded, strong and increase flexibility.Beginner, Practice, Yoga, all levels
Balance, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Ohm, Preparation, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, de-stress, diagonals, emptiness, energy channels, energy flow, flexibility, grounding, harmonising, hips, inner balance, integration time, intermediary, meditation, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, natural solutions, om, opening, organ support, practice, self awareness, slow, solutions, sound, spiral energy, spiritual health, spirals, stay present, stretching, surrender, training, transformation, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, yoga
Slow early morning yoga - Dartmoor UK, Nov 2021
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An early morning yoga class with some aspects of chi kung to energise and wake up the body, slowly mobilising and bringing to life the energy flow for expansion, integration and balance. Start your day with this refreshing class and you will definitely benefit from a calm and relaxed throughout the, all levels, Beginner, slow
Balance, Extension, Harmony, Preparation, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, accupressure, alignment, awakened, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, concentration, compassion, de-stress, diagonals, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, healing, hips, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, lower back, massage, meditation, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, pineal detoxification, practice, psoas, relaxation, sculpting, self awareness, slow, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, yin yoga, yin, zen, Chi Kung, sound, solfeggio frequencies, ohm, om
Breathing workshop - Cape Town, May 2021
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With breath being the essence and foundation of all of life, this workshop is the most basic, yet profound experience in getting to know yourself. Breathing forms the foundation of all other practices, no matter whether you prefer Tai Chi, Yoga, Kung Fu or Meditation, it is the main source of life force that also helps to guide the mind. If practiced on a daily basis, these breathing exercises can help calm the main, stabilise emotions, release trauma and heal pain and disease. If you do nothing other than this workshop, you will still benefit and transform your life day by day as you keep practicing.Workshop, all levels, Practice, Healing
Anxiety, Balance, Dantian, Dantien, Harmony, Ohm, Preparation, Self awareness, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, be the light, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, chi kung, christ consciousness, clearing out, communication, cutting, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, emptiness, energy flow, exploration, finding peace, flow, focus, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, light, lower back, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, natural solutions, om, one-mind, opening, organ support, pain, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, practice, quantum self, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yoga, yoga nidra, zen
30 min silent meditation, Cape Town - Apr 2021
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sometimes we just need to come to silence... it is the answer to most problems we face in life. Enjoy this 30 min meditation and don't worry if you end of missing the end... you open your eyes when you are finished... even if I finished before you.Meditation, Practice
Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Ohm, Offering, Self awareness, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, be the light, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, concentration, emptiness, finding peace, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, peace, practice, relaxation, self awareness, service to others, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, stress, surrender, transformation, trauma release, understanding, well-being, zen
Opening liver and kidney channels, Cape Town - Apr 2021
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A yoga class that helps to re-balance the heart energy while supporting the liver and kidneys on all levels. The class starts with some mudras to help cut negative energies and bring the mind back to balance. Deep opening of the yin channels, hips and legs... for a more relaxed sense of self.Yoga, all levels, Practice
Balance, Anxiety, Dantien, Dantian, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, de-stress, deep meditation, depression, emptiness, energy, energy flow, energy channels, flexibility, finding peace, grounding, healing, hips, inner balance, inner fire, integration, intermediary, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mind training, mudras, natural solutions, opening, practice, resolution, spiral energy, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, surrender, transformation, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, yin, yang, yin yoga, yoga, zen, cutting
Nurturing morning chi kung, Cape Town - Apr 2021
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Chi kung and healing: a slow start to the morning for those who struggle to get going due to pain, resistance, stiffness, depression or high stress. We don't always need to perform at our best, in fact, sometimes we need to not perform at all and rather listen to our body's needs to bring healing, understanding and compassion for self. This session can be done on a daily basis to get things moving slowly but surely, regenerating the energy body, energising the body and calming the mind.all levels, Chi Kung, Healing
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantien, Dantian, Harmony, Qigong, Self awareness, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, compassion, communication, de-stress, deep meditation, depression, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, exploration, finding peace, flow, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, integration time, intermediary, letting go, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, natural solutions, opening, peace, practice, qigong, quantum self, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, slow, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, stress, surrender, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, yin, zen, pain
Workshop: Yoga With Straps for support - India, April 2020
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A very handy workshop for those who have never done yoga, those who are not as flexible or those who feel more comfortable with a little bit of support. Yoga with straps is one way to open certain new reference points without necessarily having the strength or flexibility to sustain a position... it helps the mind and body to remember what it could potentially feel like to be in a specific position in order to work your way towards this new point of reference with the flexibility, power and strength from within... obviously all in good time. Well worth a try...Beginner, Intermediary, Practice, Workshop, Yoga
Balance, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Preparation, Self awareness, Stretching, Yoga, alignment, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, communication, concentration, de-stress, depression, diagonals, energy flow, exploration, finding peace, flexibility, focus, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, mental health, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, power, practice, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sacred geometry, self awareness, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stretching, surrender, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, well-being, workshop, yoga
A generally all round nice yoga class - India, Apr 2020
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A generally slow and easy going yoga class, but will still be challenging for some who are not so used to these types of movement. Starting off with a breathing meditation and then a general opening of the back of the body with some balance and strength work to round it off.Practice, Yoga, all levels
Balance, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Preparation, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, alignment, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, calming, concentration, de-stress, emptiness, energy, flexibility, flow, finding peace, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, lower back, mental health, mind training, mind expansion, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, peace, practice, relaxation, resolution, slow, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, stretching, surrender, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, beginner
Balance, spiral and extend - India, Apr 2020
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Everything action that comes in the form of a straight line, length or opening, comes from the spiral energy initially generates to bring the two oppositional forces together into a central point. If the body or the mind is unable to recognise the spiral (feminine energy flow), it will not be able to find the clarity, direction or strength in order to be able to move into a clear line of force (masculine energy flow). Both are needed to create balance, supporting each other consistently for sustainable life force energy to keep flowing. EnjoyPractice, Yoga, all levels
Anxiety, Balance, Dantian, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, alignment, awakening, balancing, breath, beginner, breathing, calming, commitment, concentration, de-stress, depression, emptiness, energy, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, mental health, mind training, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, practice, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, solutions, sound, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, surrender, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, vital energy, well-being
Movement chi kung with sound and yoga - India, April 2020
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An experience filled class with many different aspects of movement, sound, breathing and healing including yoga, chi kung, Kung fu, sound work, visualisation and shamanic forms of healing. For those who are tired of doing the same type of thing over and over, looking for some variety in your practice, or looking to connect more with the elements, sound and space.Chi Kung, Yoga, all levels, qigong, Intermediary
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Ohm, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, burning, burning clean, calming, clearing out, compassion, concentration, de-stress, depression, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, exploration, flexibility, flow, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner fire, inner flame, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, om, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, pineal detoxification, power, practice, psoas, quantum self, recognise the light, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sound, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, yoga
Tong leng compassion practice - London, Jul 2020
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Highly recommended: No matter what background you come from, we all need compassion and healing. Tong Leng is a Vajrayana practice used to transform all illnesses of the body and mind, allowing us to see beyond the ignorance and limitations of social and cultural blockages from the space of compassion. Compassion is the ability to recognise the suffering we experience in human life and open ourselves to graceful healing through understanding, forgiveness and love. This is one of the most profound practices that you will encounter, and with the right motivation and intention, has the ability to transform any form of suffering you experience in life. All people can practice this, no matter what background you come from. Roughly 90 minutes needed for this practice, but advisable to keep an extra 10-15 mins for contemplation after.Deep Transformation, Meditation, Spiritual, Workshop, all levels
5th dimension, Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, Knowing, Offering, Ohm, Prostrations, Self awareness, Yoga, acceptance, awakening, be the light, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning, burning clean, calming, candle, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, concentration, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, depression, emptiness, fifth dimension, finding peace, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner fire, integration, integration time, intention, letting go, life, light, mantra, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, mudras, natural solutions, offerings, om, opening, peace, pineal gland, practice, recognise the light, relaxation, resolution, service to others, slow, sound, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, subconscious mind, surrender, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop
An Emotional Psoas release - Cape-Town, Feb 2021
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A yoga class exploring and rebalancing the psoas muscle and all that it is related to. This class if for those who have a tendency to hold tension in the hip flexors, troubles with digestion or emotional blockages you cannot quite release. The psoas is the main accumulator of emotional stress and tension in the body, learning to release this big muscle can help to unlock years of trauma stored in the body. Take it easy, surrender into it and listen to your body...Practice, Yoga, all levels
Anxiety, depression, Balance, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Self awareness, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, burning clean, calming, clearing out, commitment, compassion, de-stress, deep, duality, emptiness, energy, finding peace, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, hips, inner balance, inner flame, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, mind training, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, organ support, peace, practice, resolution, self awareness, solutions, spiral energy, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, surrender, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, psoas
Multi-dimensional hip opening - Amsterdam, Jan 2021
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A deeper yoga practice with plenty of time to integrate and go deeper into the opening of our foundation. Offering a space allowing all stress to release, for a space to be created and a new level of flow to enter the body and mind. Be kind to, all levels, Spiritual
Anxiety, Balance, Extension, Inner core, Knowing, Self awareness, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, christ consciousness, clearing out, commitment, compassion, core strength, de-stress, deep, diagonals, inversion, emptiness, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, hips, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, lower back, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, peace, practice, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, slow, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, trauma, well-being, yin, yin yoga, zen
Chi Kung, good content with limitations - London, Jun 2020
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An interesting set of chi kung movements to calm the mind, open and expanding the body in order to create a space for the energy to flow. A generally active class with good variation in movement. This video is not great quality, but still worth it as the content makes it worth living with the imperfections. Just over 30 minutes for a quick energy balancing session to revive and restore.Chi Kung, qigong, all levels, active
Balance, Anxiety, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Qigong, Self awareness, Stretching, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning clean, calming, compassion, concentration, de-stress, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flow, focus, grounding, harmonising, inner balance, inner fire, inner kung fu, integration, kung fu, letting go, life, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, practice, qigong, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, zen
Chi Kung Session 6/6: Yin-Yang Power - South Africa, Feb 2021
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Workshop 6/6: Yin-Yang Power - Highly advisable to follow the order of sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step by step awareness of the principles for self awareness. In this last session we let go of the structure a bit more to explore variations with explosive and even fast movement for a taste of the more advanced levels of chi kung for those who want to dig a little deeper in the future. There are so many aspects of chi kung that has not even been touched on during this 6-session course, but I hope that it at least offered you an opportunity to explore the basic principles... there will be more :)Chi Kung, Workshop series, all levels, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning, burning clean, clearing out, compassion, de-stress, diagonals, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, exploration, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner fire, inner flame, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, power, practice, qigong, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, yang, yin, zen
Chi Kung Course 6/6: Yin-Yang power - South Africa, Feb 2021
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Workshop 6/6: Yin-Yang Power - Highly advisable to follow the order of sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step by step awareness of the principles for self awareness. In this last session we let go of the structure a bit more to explore variations with explosive and even fast movement for a taste of the more advanced levels of chi kung for those who want to dig a little deeper in the future. There are so many aspects of chi kung that has not even been touched on during this 6-session course, but I hope that it at least offered you an opportunity to explore the basic principles... there will be more :)Chi Kung, Workshop series, all levels, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balance, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning, burning clean, clearing out, exploration, energy channels, de-stress, emptiness, energy, energy flow, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner fire, inner flame, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, qigong, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, self awareness, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stay present, strength, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yang, yin, zen, power
Chi Kung course 5/6: Tendon change - South Africa, Feb 2021
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Workshop 5/6: Tendon change - Highly advisable to follow the order of sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step by step awareness of the principles for self awareness. During this session we work with the energy body for healing as well as dive into some deeper movement practices to open the tendons. This session promotes deeper inter-connectivity between breath, body and movement, allowing the energy to flow with continuation, harmonising the yin and yang meridians while balancing flexibility and strength.Chi Kung, all levels, qigong, Workshop series
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Preparation, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, burning, calming, clearing out, communication, compassion, concentration, de-stress, deep, diagonals, duality, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, hips, inner balance, inner fire, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, qigong, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, self awareness, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yang, yin, zen
Chi Kung course 5/6: Tendon change - South Africa, Feb 2021 opening
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Workshop 5/6: Tendon change - Highly advisable to follow the order of sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step by step awareness of the principles for self awareness. During this session we work with the energy body for healing as well as dive into some deeper movement practices to open the tendons. This session promotes deeper inter-connectivity between breath, body and movement, allowing the energy to flow with continuation, harmonising the yin and yang meridians while balancing flexibility and strength.Chi Kung, Workshop series, all levels, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Knowing, Preparation, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, clearing out, commitment, communication, concentration, de-stress, deep, diagonals, duality, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, hips, inner balance, inner fire, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, qigong, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, self awareness, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yang, yin, zen
Chi Kung Course 4/6: Oppositional forces - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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Workshop 4/6: Oppositional forces - Highly advisable to follow the order of the sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step-by-step awareness of the principles for self awareness. In this session we explore various oppositional movements to learn about leverage, grounding, balance and the flow of energy depending on the focus. A deeply relaxing session with more interesting variations.Chi Kung, Workshop series, all levels, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, balance, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, clearing out, commitment, communication, compassion, concentration, core strength, core, de-stress, deep meditation, diagonals, duality, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, oppositional forces, organ support, practice, qigong, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, self awareness, self massage, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, zen
Chi Kung Course 4/6: Oppositional forces - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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Workshop 4/6: Oppositional forces - Highly advisable to follow the order of the sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step-by-step awareness of the principles for self awareness. In this session we explore various oppositional movements to learn about leverage, grounding, balance and the flow of energy depending on the focus. A deeply relaxing session with more interesting variations.Chi Kung, Workshop series, all levels, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Harmony, Knowing, Extension, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balance, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, clearing out, compassion, communication, concentration, core, de-stress, deep meditation, diagonals, duality, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, focus, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, qigong, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, self massage, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, zen
Chi Kung Course 3/6: Opening the channels - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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Workshop 3/6: Opening the energy channels - Highly advisable to follow the order of the sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step-by-step awareness of the principles for self awareness. This session starts with a form of self shiatsu, working with the accupressure points in the body to open the energy channels to promote flow. We work with the activation of the Dantian, then go into some movement, starting to explore deeper aspects of pressure, extension and contraction to promote "peristalsis", promoting re-regulation and flow.Chi Kung, Workshop series, all levels, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Preparation, Qigong, Self awareness, Stretching, accupressure, alignment, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, clearing out, commitment, communication, compassion, concentration, de-stress, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, pressure points, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, self awareness, self massage, slow, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yang, zen
Chi Kung Course 3/6: Opening the channels - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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Workshop 3/6: Opening the energy channels - Highly advisable to follow the order of the sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step-by-step awareness of the principles for self awareness. This session starts with a form of self shiatsu, working with the accupressure points in the body to open the energy channels to promote flow. We work with the activation of the Dantian, then go into some movement, starting to explore deeper aspects of pressure, extension and contraction to promote "peristalsis", promoting re-regulation and flow.Chi Kung, Workshop series, all levels, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Preparation, Qigong, Self awareness, Stretching, accupressure, alignment, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, clearing out, communication, compassion, concentration, de-stress, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flow, focus, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, pressure points, qigong, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, self awareness, self massage, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, workshop, zen
Chi Kung Couse 2/6: More flow - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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Workshop 2/6: More flow - Highly advisable to follow the order of the sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step-by-step awareness of the principles for self awareness. This session focuses on the ability to flow with co-ordination and still no resistance. Until we learn to flow, resistance is usually un-necessary and creates tension and stress in the body due to a misunderstanding of sequence within creation.Chi Kung, Workshop series, all levels, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Knowing, Preparation, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, accupressure, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balance, balancing, breath, breathing, buddhism, beginner, calming, clearing out, commitment, communication, compassion, concentration, de-stress, diagonals, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flow, focus, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, pressure points, qigong, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, self massage, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, zen
Chi Kung Couse 2/6: More flow - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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Workshop 2/6: More flow - Highly advisable to follow the order of the sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a step-by-step awareness of the principles for self awareness. This session focuses on the ability to flow with co-ordination and still no resistance. Until we learn to flow, resistance is usually un-necessary and creates tension and stress in the body due to a misunderstanding of sequence within creation.Chi Kung, all levels, Workshop series, qigong
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Knowing, Preparation, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, accupressure, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, chi kung, clearing out, commitment, communication, concentration, de-stress, diagonals, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flow, focus, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, pressure points, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, zen
Chi Kung Course 1/6: Flow - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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Workshop 1/6: Flow - Highly advisable to follow the order of the sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve a progressive awareness of the principles for self awareness. This session focuses on the ability to flow with no resistance. Until we learn to flow, resistance is usually un-necessary and creates tension and stress in the body due to a misunderstanding of sequence within creation.Chi Kung, qigong, Workshop series, all levels
Balance, Anxiety, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Harmony, Knowing, Qigong, Self awareness, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balance, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, compassion, concentration, de-stress, deep, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flow, focus, guidance, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, peace, practice, relaxation, self awareness, slow, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, workshop, zen
Chi Kung Course 1/6: Flow - Amsterdam, Feb 2021
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Workshop 1/6 - Highly advisable to follow the order of the sessions as they work progressively in experience and principles in order to achieve an awareness of the principles. This session focuses on the ability to flow with no resistance. Until we learn to flow, resistance is usually un-necessary and creates tension and stress in the body due to a misunderstanding of sequence within creation.Workshop series, Chi Kung, all levels, qigong
flow, energy flow, chi kung, Self awareness, Dantien, Dantian, Harmony, Qigong, balancing, balance, awakened, awakening, breath, breathing, calming, compassion, de-stress, emptiness, energy channels, energy, finding peace, gratitude, guidance, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, kung fu, letting go, life, meditation, meridians, mind training, mindset, beginner, intermediary, mental health, natural solutions, peace, practice, relaxation, resolution, slow, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stay present, surrender, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, workshop, zen
Workshop - Deepen your practice part 2 - Amsterdam, Jan 2021
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Part 2 of this workshop is focused on understanding the basis of movement and why and how you could connect with your body and mind through various dynamics of movement... worth a watch if you want a deeper understanding of yoga.Beginner, all levels, Workshop, Practice, Yoga, Intermediary
Balance, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, commitment, communication, compassion, concentration, de-stress, diagonals, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, intention, intermediary, letting go, meditation, mental health, mentoring, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, peace, practice, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, slow, sound, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yin yoga
Workshop - Deepen your practice part 1 - Amsterdam, Jan 2021
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A deeper look into the reasons for doing a practice, how to start a practice, preparations for practice and how to create the best setting for your practice. A way to include all of you in your practice for integration and healing.all levels, Workshop, Practice, Spiritual
Balance, Prostrations, Harmony, Knowing, Ohm, Self awareness, Yoga, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, be the light, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, candle, chi kung, christ consciousness, clearing out, compassion, concentration, de-stress, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, focus, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner flame, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, interpretation, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, ohm, om, peace, practice, quantum self, recognise the light, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, sacred geometry, self awareness, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, well-being, workshop, zen, Preparation, Offering, offerings, gratitude, intention
Half Chi Kung, Half Yoga - London, Jul 2020
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Slowww and deeep, no rush to get anywhere, taking every breath as an eternity with focus, clarity and attention to bring balance and healing inside.Chi Kung, Yoga, all levels
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Qigong, Self awareness, Stretching, acceptance, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, compassion, concentration, core strength, de-stress, diagonals, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, focus, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, hips, inner balance, intermediary, life, lower back, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, practice, relaxation, refreshing, sculpting, shoulders, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stress, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, training, vital energy, well-being, yin, yin yoga
Half yoga, half seated meditation - India, Apr 2020
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The principle of yoga is to rebalance and open the body in order for meditation to happen. A state of samadhi can only exist when the body is comfortable, the mind is present and a space is created for meditation to occur.Meditation, Yoga, all levels
sacred geometry, 5th dimension, Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Harmony, Extension, Inner core, Knowing, Ohm, Qigong, Self awareness, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balance, balancing, be the light, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, chi kung, christ consciousness, clearing out, communication, compassion, concentration, core strength, de-stress, deep meditation, emptiness, energy, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, focus, grounding, guidance, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, light, lower back, meditation, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, mudras, natural solutions, ohm, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, pineal detoxification, pineal gland, practice, quantum self, refreshing, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, sleep, slow, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, well-being, yin, yin yoga, yoga nidra, zen
Chi Kung at home - Amsterdam, Nov 2020
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A good practice to start or end your day, general opening and strengthening, while creating some flow in the life force energy to support mental, physical and emotional health and well-being.Chi Kung, all levels
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Harmony, Qigong, Self awareness, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balance, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, buddhism, calming, chi kung, commitment, concentration, core strength, de-stress, deep, emptiness, energy, energy flow, flexibility, focus, grounding, harmonising, harmony, hips, inner balance, inner fire, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kung fu, life, lower back, massage, mental health, meditation, meridians, mind training, natural solutions, opening, one-mind, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, qigong, relaxation, resolution, self awareness, sleep, slow, solutions, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stress, stretching, taoist, vital energy, well-being, zen
Allow for deep nurture inside and out - London, Jun 2020
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Slow and deep class to help re-connect your mind with your physical body. If you want to release the stress and tension of the day, this will help to re-connect and ground you.Intermediary, Yoga, all levels
Anxiety, Balance, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, abdomen, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balance, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, clearing out, commitment, compassion, concentration, core strength, de-stress, deep, diagonals, duality, emptiness, energy, energy channels, finding peace, flexibility, focus, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, hips, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, lower back, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, quantum self, relaxation, resolution, sculpting, self awareness, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, zen
Surrender into the flow - Amsterdam, Nov 2020
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An opportunity to explore some deep opening in the hips followed by a flow sequence to help calm the mind and focus on the breath, working from the Dantien to balance all the internal dynamics.Yoga, Intermediary, Flow
Balance, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Self awareness, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, clearing out, compassion, concentration, core, de-stress, deep, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, grounding, harmonising, healing, hips, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, lower back, meditation, mental health, mind training, natural solutions, opening, organ support, practice, relaxation, resolution, slow, spiritual path, spiritual health, stability, stay present, stretching, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, yin, zen
Explorations of inner power - London, Jul 2020
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Exploration of breath, sound, mudras and movement to find the essence of your inner strength and expand your lightYoga, all levels
Core, Dantian, Dantien, Balance, Anxiety, Extension, Harmony, Inner core, Ohm, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, abdomen, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, clearing out, compassion, concentration, core strength, core, de-stress, deep, diagonals, emptiness, energy, energy channels, energy flow, finding peace, flexibility, grounding, harmonising, healing, harmony, hips, inner balance, inner fire, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kundalini, letting go, lower back, meditation, mental health, meridians, mind expansion, mind training, mudras, natural solutions, ohm, om, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, resolution, sculpting, shoulders, slow, solutions, sound, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stress, stretching, subconscious mind, surrender, training, transformation, trauma release, trauma, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, yin yoga, yin, zen
Body maintenance 101 - India, Apr 2020,
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A workshop that covers all the basic opening techniques to get the energy flowing. You know how good you feel after a massage? Why not feel that daily? A relaxing journey inwards with some movement in the beginning and end just to get things flowing after opening and releasing any tension and stress you may experience. You can nurture your body everyday like this...Workshop, Beginner, Intermediary, Yoga, Chi Kung, all levels
Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, energy flow, pressure points, meridians, accupressure, Self awareness, Extension, Harmony, Qigong, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, awakened, awakening, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, energy channels, clearing out, communication, compassion, de-stress, emptiness, energy, finding peace, flexibility, grounding, harmonising, harmony, healing, hips, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, lower back, mental health, mindset, natural solutions, opening, organ support, practice, refreshing, relaxation, self awareness, shoulders, sleep, slow, solutions, stability, stay present, stretching, surrender, taoist, training, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yin yoga, zen, self massage, massage
A guided candle meditation - Trataka, Amsterdam, Dec 2020
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A guided candle meditation to help you explore your communication with your inner fire. this journey of transformation can assist in your ability to find gratitude and compassion for yourself and others. Be the light... (there is a special gift at the end of this video if you want to stay after the meditation.. it is the gift I was given when I started my JourneyMeditation, Deep Transformation
light, pineal gland, pineal detoxification, meditation, candle, candle meditation, 5th dimension, Harmony, Knowing, Ohm, Self awareness, Yoga, Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantien, Dantian, Qigong, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, beginner, breath, breathing, calming, clearing out, communication, concentration, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, dimensions, duality, emptiness, energy, fifth dimension, finding peace, focus, grounding, guidance, harmonising, harmony, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, intermediary, letting go, life, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, ohm, opening, peace, practice, quantum self, resolution, relaxation, self awareness, sleep, slow, solutions, sound, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, surrender, training, transformation, trauma release, compassion, christ consciousness, vital energy, inner flame, inner fire, burning, burning clean, be the light, recognise the light
Meditation: Simplicity of observation, India, Apr 2020
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A deep relaxing guided meditation with the focus on the breath and the basic dynamics that is already present, just creating more awareness regarding its presence. No visualisation needed...Meditation
meditation, relaxation, breathing, mudras, om, ohm, sound, self awareness, focus, concentration, Balance, Chi Kung, Dantian, Dantien, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Ohm, Qigong, Self awareness, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, breath, buddhism, calming, clearing out, communication, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, emptiness, energy, fifth dimension, finding peace, grounding, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, letting go, life, mental health, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, peace, practice, quantum self, slow, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, visualisation, well-being, zen
VIP Dantian Workshop Part 2 - Amsterdam, Nov 2020
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3 hours workshop Content that a price tag could not quite match. A much deeper look into some of the more advanced practices of the yogic traditions to help clear out toxicity in the body and mind, improving our clarity, health and stability in any situation that could cause disturbance in life. These practices can have a lasting effect and with more practice, could cause enlightened awareness, inner peace and bliss. This practice will give you a reference of the effortlessness of life, and every action in life, once you have found the never ending cycle of energy flow that supports you... It is highly advisable to complete part 1 of this workshop as preparation and basic understanding of the principles that we will go deeper into detail with during part 2. This workshop is definitely not advised during pregnancy... not even if you are highly skilled practitioner. It is also not advisable during the more sensitive periods before or after mentruation (monthly cycle) and should be avoided just before or after new and full moon. If you have serious health conditions or any doubts about your ability to practice more advanced forms of yoga, please contact me for guidance first.advanced, Deep Transformation
5th dimension, breath, Inner core, Anxiety, Balance, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Knowing, Ohm, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, be of service, breathing, buddhism, calming, clearing out, coaching, commitment, communication, concentration, core strength, core, counselling, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, diagonals, dimensions, duality, emptiness, energy, finding peace, focus, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, integration, integration time, kundalini, kung fu, letting go, life, lower back, meditation, mental health, mentoring, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, one-mind, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, quantum self, relaxation, resolution, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spiritual health, spiritual path, stay present, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, transformation, trauma, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yang, yin, yin yoga, yoga nidra, zen
VIP Dantian Workshop Part 1 - Amsterdam, Nov 2020
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3 hours needed for this workshop Within this workshop we explore the Dantian, the center of gravity in the body, the sea of energy and the point of focus that all the wisdom traditions refers to as the center of creativity of some sorts, our center of knowing. Getting to know this vital point has the ability to change many aspects of our healing in the body and mind and will bring more clarity to your decisions and day to day activities. This is merely the first step as a preparation for part 2. It is highly recommended that you do part 1 before starting with part 2. This workshop is not suitable for woman who are in their first trimester of pregnancy except maybe for practitioners who are well versed with the deeper aspects of a yoga practice if you are continually practicing even throughout pregnancy. The first 30 minutes of this video has some sound distortions which I apologise for, but after this it is much better. You will still be able to follow the instructions and should not have any problems with the understanding of the content.Deep Transformation, Intermediary
5th dimension, Anxiety, Balance, Chi Kung, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Harmony, Inner core, Knowing, Ohm, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Yoga, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, breathing, buddhism, calming, clearing out, coaching, communication, core, counselling, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, duality, emptiness, energy, finding peace, flexibility, grounding, focus, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kundalini, letting go, life, meditation, mental health, mentoring, mind expansion, mindset, mind training, natural solutions, opening, practice, relaxation, resolution, slow, spiral energy, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, stress, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, transformation, trauma release, understanding, visualisation, vital energy, well-being, workshop, yin yoga, yoga, yoga nidra, zen, yang
Dantian Workshop Part 2 - Amsterdam, Nov 2020
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3 hours workshop Content that a price tag could not quite match. A much deeper look into some of the more advanced practices of the yogic traditions to help clear out toxicity in the body and mind, improving our clarity, health and stability in any situation that could cause disturbance in life. These practices can have a lasting effect and with more practice, could cause enlightened awareness, inner peace and bliss. This practice will give you a reference of the effortlessness of life, and every action in life, once you have found the never ending cycle of energy flow that supports you... It is highly advisable to complete part 1 of this workshop as preparation and basic understanding of the principles that we will go deeper into detail with during part 2. This workshop is definitely not advised during pregnancy... not even if you are highly skilled practitioner. It is also not advisable during the more sensitive periods before or after mentruation (monthly cycle) and should be avoided just before or after new and full moon. If you have serious health conditions or any doubts about your ability to practice more advanced forms of yoga, please contact me for guidance first.workshops, Deep Transformation
Inner core, clearing out, emptiness, transformation, quantum self, 5th dimension, fifth dimension, Chi Kung, Balance, Core, Dantian, Dantien, Extension, Harmony, Knowing, Ohm, Qigong, Self awareness, Spiralling, Stretching, Yoga, abdomen, acceptance, alignment, altered states of consciousness, awakened, awakening, balancing, beginner, breathing, buddhism, calming, coaching, commitment, communication, concentration, core, core strength, counselling, de-stress, deep, deep meditation, diagonals, dimensions, duality, energy, finding peace, flexibility, focus, grounding, guidance, harmonising, harmony, healing, hips, inner balance, inner kung fu, integration, integration time, intermediary, kundalini, letting go, life, lower back, meditation, mental health, mentoring, mind expansion, mind training, mindset, natural solutions, opening, organ support, peace, practice, qigong, relaxation, resolution, slow, spiral energy, spirals, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, strength, stress, subconscious mind, surrender, taoist, training, trauma, trauma release, understanding, vital energy, well-being, workshop, zen
Dantian Workshop Part 1 - Amsterdam, Nov 2020
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3 hours needed for this workshop Within this workshop we explore the Dantian, the center of gravity in the body, the sea of energy and the point of focus that all the wisdom traditions refers to as the center of creativity of some sorts, our center of knowing. Getting to know this vital point has the ability to change many aspects of our healing in the body and mind and will bring more clarity to your decisions and day to day activities. This is merely the first step as a preparation for part 2. It is highly recommended that you do part 1 before starting with part 2. This workshop is not suitable for woman who are in their first trimester of pregnancy except maybe for practitioners who are well versed with the deeper aspects of a yoga practice if you are continually practicing even throughout pregnancy. The first 30 minutes of this video has some sound distortions which I apologise for, but after this it is much better. You will still be able to follow the instructions and should not have any problems with the understanding of the content.Workshop, Deep Transformation
Dantien, Dantian, Core, Knowing, Self awareness, practice, meditation, visualisation, breathing, awakened, awakening, kundalini, energy, yoga, chi kung, yin yoga, altered states of consciousness, Balance, Extension, Harmony, Ohm, Qigong, Spiralling, Stretching, acceptance, alignment, balancing, beginner, buddhism, calming, coaching, commitment, communication, concentration, counselling, de-stress, deep, dimensions, duality, emptiness, finding peace, flexibility, focus, grounding, guidance, harmonising, healing, inner balance, integration, intermediary, life, lower back, mental health, mentoring, mind expansion, natural solutions, oppositional forces, organ support, resolution, slow, solutions, spiral energy, spiritual health, spiritual path, stability, stay present, surrender, taoist, trauma release, understanding, well-being, workshop, zen
Chi Kung in the Veluwe, Netherlands Oct 2020
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A beautiful practice in nature while embracing the imperfections in life in order to seize the moment. Spontaneity is necessary to fully appreciate the gift of life. Perfect practice to re-balance and ground ourselves in this reality.Chi Kung, all levels
Chi Kung, Qigong, meditation, yoga, inner kung fu, kung fu, altered states of consciousness, Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, alignment, beginner, buddhism, calming, concentration, core, counselling, de-stress, energy, finding peace, grounding, harmonising, healing, hips, inner balance, emptiness, integration time, intermediary, life, lower back, mental health, mind training, natural solutions, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, peace, practice, refreshing, relaxation, slow, spiritual path, spiritual health, stability, stay present, stress, taoist, training, trauma release, vital energy, well-being, zen
What dreams may come - India, May 2020
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India, Rishikesh, March 2020 Dreaming is a gift we have to learn to receive. Once you start opening up a clear communication channel with your subconscious, you can find all the information you need in order to make the right decisions at the right time. Learn how to resolve you could resolve your inner traumas through this powerful connection.. or off course, just get to know yourself better in the process.Coaching/Counselling/Mentoring/Guidance, workshops
Dreams, dream analysis, subconscious mind, meditation, spiritual path, practice, communication, yoga, sleep, training, resolution, finding peace, duality, emptiness, understanding, workshop, inner balance, Anxiety, Balance, Harmony, acceptance, coaching, counselling, commitment, integration time, de-stress, healing, integration, letting go, mental health, trauma, trauma release, natural solutions, mind expansion, dimensions, fifth dimension, Ohm, yoga nidra, mentoring, interpretation, lucid dreaming, altered states of consciousness, zen, buddhism, taoist, mind training
Systematic slow opening - Denmark, July 2020
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What a better way to focus your energies on re-alignment after a day of sitting in front of a desk. Get every muscle to move, open the hips, clear the chest and strengthen the core while finding a peaceful space internally when stillness, Beginner, Intermediary, slow
balance, shoulders, hips, core, spirals, yin, yang, yoga, Harmony, Stretching, alignment, balancing, beginner, calming, concentration, core strength, de-stress, deep, energy, flexibility, grounding, inner balance, integration, intermediary, letting go, lower back, opening, oppositional forces, refreshing, organ support, sculpting, stability, strength, well-being
Anxiety support - Amsterdam, Aug 2020
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A support session I offered for somebody who was going through an extreme phase of anxiety. The session covers some basic practical things that can be done before or during anxiety attacks to help calm the mind and bring back awareness to the present moment.Coaching/Counselling/Mentoring/Guidance
Anxiety, surrender, acceptance, counselling, coaching, mindset, mentoring, life, stress, solutions, natural solutions, de-stress, letting go, peace, essential oils, mantra, Ohm, om, guidance, healing, mental health, spiritual health, service to others, be of service, grounding, stay present, chi kung, qigong, homeopathy, solfeggio frequencies
Full extention into life - Denmark, July 2020
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Opening the hips and shoulders to bring inner alignment and stability for day to day activities. Anybody can join this class, as it is slow but deep, allowing you to fully surrender.Beginner, Yoga, Intermediary
Yoga, Stretching, abdomen, beginner, calming, flexibility, hips, integration, intermediary, lower back, opening, oppositional forces, organ support, relaxation, sculpting, shoulders, slow, stability, well-being, yin yoga, Extension, inner balance, alignment, deep
Bringing balance back to life - London, July 2020
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A slow paced class to bring back the balance and focus through movement with various balancing postures, allowing you to engage all the parts of your being to align itself to this moment in timeYoga, Intermediary, advanced, active
Balance, Harmony, opening, hips, organ support, stretching, harmonising, diagonals, chi kung, healing, slow, integration, yin yoga, spiral energy, focus, concentration, one-mind, deep meditation
Yin-Yang Spiral dynamics - London, July 2020
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A class based around spiral energy to get things flowing through the body through contraction and expansion. There is no limit to where a spiral can take you, offering deep healing and re-balancing.Intermediary, Yoga, advanced, slow
Spiralling, Yoga, core, opening, flexibility, lower back, hips, shoulders, Stretching, stability, oppositional forces, diagonals
Hips and shoulder support - London July 2020
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A Low to medium activity level class for those who want to open deeply in the hips and shoulders, but not necessary build up a sweat. Deep focus on integration and time to find the position fully, yet deep openings that requires focus and releases tension.Yoga, Beginner, Intermediary, slow
Yoga, balance, core strength, flexibility, hips, lower back, opening, shoulders, stability, strength, beginner, integration time
Vital energy flow for longevity - London July 2020
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Medium activity level with the focus on the center part of the body. working with the vital energy to strengthen, re-align and open the abdomen, hips and lower back. Balanced session with multiple functions to support general well-being and longevity.Yoga, Intermediary, advanced, active
Yoga, stability, opening, balance, hips, lower back, sculpting, strength, core strength, flexibility, abdomen, shoulders, intermediary
Chi Kung in Nature - London June 2020
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Refreshing morning practice with everything needed to start the day with a calm mind, uplifted mood and a general sense of well-being. The gift of nature and the flow of life in combination with gratitude and joy for every second.Chi Kung, all levels, beginner, slow
Chi Kung, balancing, relaxation, harmony, well-being, vital energy, refreshing, calming, healing, energy
I will be sharing some free videos from my library here to offer those who cannot afford it, but really want to, the opportunity to attend some classes or workshops for the benefit of all beings.
Re-align your consciousness to the essential part of your being that gives birth to this life, allowing the compassion of dissolution as we leave this life, offering a deep sense of healing, connection and peace.
Messengers Season 1 Trailer
The Art of Being Human
Annelie was interviewed by Christianne Van Wijk, documentary and film Director, funded by Ickonic media. A 120min documentary about life, love and existence, offering deep insight into our reality and ultimately how to find equanimity and peace.
You can watch the full series of "Messengers" on Season 1: The art of being human